Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Feb 14, 09:51 CET
Monitoring -
A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.
Feb 13, 18:39 CET
Update -
We are continuing to investigate the issue. Please find below the updated list of affected components:
SEPA Credit Transfers
- incoming: operational, but processed with delays
- outgoing: operational, but processed with delays
SEPA Instant
- incoming: full outage, all transactions are rejected
- outgoing: partial outage, only some transactions are processed
SEPA Direct Debit
- incoming: partial outage, only some transactions are processed
- outgoing: operational, but processed with delays
International Credit Transfers
- incoming: operational, but processed with delays
- outgoing: partial outage, only some transactions are processed
Cards: operational, but unstable
We will provide updates accordingly.
Feb 13, 18:30 CET
Update -
We are continuing to investigate the issue. SEPA credit transfers are still impacted, card payments are once again impacted, SDD and ICT is partially impacted (processed, but with delays). We will provide updates accordingly.
Feb 13, 16:49 CET
Update -
All card payments are operating normally since 15:15 CET.
Feb 13, 15:32 CET
Update -
We are experiencing a failure in SEPA credit transfers since 13:52 and card payments since 14:58, resulting in all SCT to be refused and all card payments to be refused. We are currently investigating the issue and will provide updates accordingly.
Feb 13, 15:30 CET
Update -
Starting from 14:58 CET, we are experiencing an additional affected component:
- Instant SEPA Credit Transfer In
- Card out transactions
We are currently investigating the issue and will provide updates accordingly.
Feb 13, 15:11 CET
Investigating -
Starting from 13:50 CET, we are experiencing a failure in our instant credit transfers. Please find below the impacted features:
- Instant SEPA Credit Transfer In
We are currently investigating the issue and will provide updates accordingly.
Feb 13, 14:43 CET